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If you believe your voice does not make a difference: Our Election results should reinvigorate you! Here's our 2023 post-election newsletter. The ripple effects will reverberate for years. Need more? Check out our "Impact" page. What we do will be amplified with your help. We have and will continue to lean into our points of unity, believe in the need to create change, promote informed voting...and inspire the next generation of leaders to #GetInvolved.

Candidates, Campaigns & Elections 

We are so proud and grateful for all of you, the tenacious candidates and the dauntless campaign volunteers. Part of what oppressive systems perpetuate is the belief that we don’t have any power. while also dividing us. Shake it off. We have successfully challenged the ubiquitous ways that these systems sustain inequity and  apathy - by creating a sense of belonging, and establishing a collective responsibility rooted in love.

Team, as we settle into the new leadership, new challenges and new opportunities. we see value in reflection of all that has transpired. #PowerUP! has fulfilled its mission of being a platform for new ideas, new candidates and for newly engaged community members. We are immeasurably proud of the progress, but this is a beginning  -not an end. Electing ONE or five solid candidates, does not change the system or reconfigure the power structure. We need to multi-task: dismantle, reimagine, rebuild, vote and mentor a new pipeline of candidates! 

The Town's timeline is below. PowerUP! hosts Community Conversation Events around each deliverable.


Where will you Get Involved?

  • January:  Town Warrant deadlines and the "State of the Town" is presented

  • February - April:  Budget Planning

  • April - June:  Candidates Announce, Campaigns Launch, Volunteers Mobilize

  • May:  Town Meeting

  • June:  Town Elections

  • July:  New Leadership Teams, new Fiscal Year

We built on our strengths, and differences to understand how to work with, for, and next to each other to reinvent our Community. Subsequent Elections will be even bigger, brighter and impactful because of all of YOU.

Thank you for being here.

Image by Green Chameleon


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One of the simplest and most impactful ways to help our community. Educate and engage your networks.

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